The Development of Gender Term System: Performative Function

DOI 10.52773/tsuull.uzlc.2019.3/LLEO1504


  • Guli Ergasheva


human rights texts, performative function, mainstreaming, gender


The fact that the world linguistics deals with anthropocentric
paradigm urges the study of the issues related to gender terminology
standardization and gender discourse implementation. In this regard,
challenging the principles of traditional terminology and translation,
testing the perspective relevance of cognitive semantics to demonstrate
a language potential in the world conceptualization and categorization
through gender discourse lens, revealing linguistic and extra-linguistic
factors in the formation of a gender terminology system is of high
importance. The article deals with linguistic and extra-linguistic factors
in the formation of gender term system - as a cognitive structure providing
an effective communication on human rights discourse. The performative
function of gender terms, their oriented feature – from words to the actions
has been substantiated on the examples of official documents.


