About the Journal

About the Journal

The journal “Uzbekistan: Language and Culture” was registered on October 26, 2017 by the press and Information agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan (certificate № 0936).

 Founder of the journal: Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi.

International standard serial number - ISSN 2181-922X

“Uzbekistan: Language and Culture” is an academic journal that publishes works in the field of linguistics, history, literature, translation studies, arts, ethnography, philosophy, anthropology and social studies.   

The journal is published four times a year. 

The purpose of the magazine is to publish researches that are full of new, innovative ideas, and have their own concept, which encourage debate on current topics related to the indicated fields. Articles written in English, Russian and Uzbek languages, as well as in other Turkic languages, are accepted. Economic analyzes and political articles will not be published. The journal also publishes book reviews, literature reviews, conference reports, and research project results. The opinion of the authors may differ from the editorial point of view.