Mustamli Bukhari and the Teachings of Maturidia


  • Komiljon Rahimov


Abu Bakr Kalobodiy, Abu-l-Hasan, Abu Mansur Maturidi, Mustamli Bukhari


The work of Abu Ibrahim Ismail Ibn Muhammad Ibn Abdullah
al-Mustamli al-Bukhari (d. 434/1043) Sharh at-T’arruf Li-mazhab attasawwuf (“Commentary on the work sufism Introduction to the way”),
written in the early XI century, occupies a special place among the works
devoted to Sufism and Kalam (dogmatics) not only in our country, but
throughout the Islamic world. Although this work has so far been widely
studied as an important source on Sufism, its role and significance in the
science of Kalam has not yet attracted the attention of researchers. At the
same time, in an effort to prove that Sufism fully corresponds to the Hanafi
madhhab of Islam, including the Sunni trend, Mustamli Bukhari in his
work, along with Sufism, widely covered the main issues of Kalam.

