Strategic Languages that Serve the “One Belt, One Road” Initiative

DOI 10.52773/tsuull.uzlc.2020.2/FYLK9376


  • U Ayjun


initiative, One Belt, One Road


This article is dedicated to the study and teaching of the Uzbek
language in China.President Xi Jinping proposed the “One Belt, One Road”
initiative in 2014. In the context of China’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative,
the issue of setting and talent training of Uzbek and other Central Asian
languages is very urgent. Utilizing its own advantages in teaching, SISU
connects with the “One Belt, One Road” initiative, serves the needs of
Shanghai’s urban development, and actively establishes its Uzbek majors.
The following include a detailed description of the reasons for establishing
Uzbek undergraduate majors in SISU, the status quo of establishing the
major, and the problems facing the language teaching and talent training
of Uzbek.

